Antarctica17 Videos

LEVEL (Flat Earth Film) 2021

LEVEL (Flat Earth Film) 2021 It’s time for the world to get on our LEVEL

Flat Earth | Dave Murphy on Late Night Talk Show

Flat Earth | Dave Murphy on Late Night Talk Show

The WATERS Above – SPACE is Filled with Water/Plasma …

The WATERS Above – SPACE is Filled with Water/Plasma …

The Ancient Mystery of Antarctica | Grand Theories

The Ancient Mystery of Antarctica | Grand Theories Why does the ice always attract humanity’s strangest impulses? From the ancient mythology of Hyperborea, to the adventures of Pytheas, to the opinions of John Dee and Gerardus Mercator on King Arthur’s Arctic, to the inquests of human evolution on a “cooling globe” by French intellectuals, to […]

The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators

The Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators The oldest and largest secret society in existence has a secret so huge and well-hidden, so contrary to what we have been taught to believe, that its exposure threatens to not only completely and single-handedly crush their New World Order “United Nations” but to radically reshape the entirety of […]



Show me that ICE WALL on your Flat Earth

Show me that ICE WALL on your Flat Earth Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back.

Antarctica: NASA Is lying about size of It’s perimeter

Antarctica: NASA Is lying about size of It’s perimeter  

What Happened When They Drilled into an Ice Wall near the Firmament Dome in the 1960’s

What Happened When They Drilled into an Ice Wall near the Firmament Dome in the 1960’s

Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice Documentary

Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice Documentary There is a huge secret hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. Military whistleblowers report large alien structures under two miles of Antarctic ice. Navy Seal Spartan 1 walked an alien hallway inscribed with mysterious hieroglyphs and tells investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe that Antarctica’s alien presence spans centuries, […]
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