Banking | Usury43 Videos

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes

The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes

NWO Communism By The Backdoor FULL Documentary

NWO Communism By The Backdoor FULL Documentary New World Order – Communism by backdoor is Dennis Wise’s second documentary after his first documentary “Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told.” New World Order – Communism by backdoor focuses on New World Order and historical information that are related to New World Order. This includes World […]

The Titanic Secret of Jekyll Island – ROBERT SEPEHR

Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the state of Georgia, where a secret gathering of elite bankers and politicians took place in 1910 laying the foundations for the Federal Reserve System in 1913, a year after the sinking of the Titanic (or sister ship Olympic).

This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it’s just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin

This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it’s just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin   Blackrock has a secret weapon that has made it the most powerful company in the world: Aladdin. If you’re ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence could impact our lives, here’s the answer. Aladdin is the brainchild of Larry Fink, and it already […]

Checkmate to Humanity – Warning to the world – NEW WORLD ORDER steps

Checkmate to Humanity 2012 – Warning to the world – NEW WORLD ORDER steps This short video from 2012 prophesies all the social upheavals we are experiencing right now, disguised as COVID Rocky Horror Show. We are in the second phase of the checkmate strategic movement against Humanity. The script was written more than ten […]

Edward Dowd (Former Blackrock Executive) “we are at the end days”

“Under the cover of Covid they were able to print 65% more money to keep this thing afloat, but we’re at the end days here.”

The Trilateral Commission | The Shadow Government of the West | RC

The Trilateral Commission | The Shadow Government of the West | RC The Shadow Government of the West | The Trilateral Commission | RC The Trilateral Commission is an international organization founded by David Rockefeller who also had a part in the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., and who is the chairman […]

ODD TV Interviews Edward Hendrie, Flat Earth, Jews, Jesuits

ODD TV Interviews Edward Hendrie, Flat Earth, Jews, Jesuits ODD interviews Edward Hendrie about the Flat Earth and the world conspiracy against God and man.

The Trust Game: Episode 4 – “Dr. Jekyll Delivers Mr. Fed”

The Trust Game: Episode 4 – “Dr. Jekyll Delivers Mr. Fed” The secretive scheme for the newly born central bank was a means to an end, for nine months later would come the Great War… creating a global superpower operating under the reigns of those who conceived it.

The Trust Game – Episode 5: “Who Holds the Gold Makes the Rules”

In the tumultuous 1920s-30s, depression set in; FDR seized power and gold; bank functions were nationalized; dollars rebuilt Europe; and the stage set for the next world war.

The Head of the Snake (Part 2)

The Head of the Snake (Part 2) Continuing from part 1
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