Dr. Barrie Trower Expert On the Dangers Of Wifi, Microwaves, Cell Towers etc.

Dr.Barrie Trower Expert On the Dangers Of Wifi, Microwaves, Cell Towers etc.

Dr.Barrie Trower A British Physicist/Scientist Who Is a Microwave Weapons Expert Explains How We Are Being Cooked With Radiation from RF, WiFi , Microwaves etc. During the Cold War, the Russian Embassy microwaved the United States Embassy in Moscow with low-level microwaves for many year s from across the road; why and how is outside the scope of this Declaration. After changes of staff for serious neurological impairments, miscarriages, multiple cancers / leukemia and other illnesses to both male and female employees and their children, the late John R. Goldsmith, M.D., was invited to investigate this matter. His investigative report on this incident showed that continuous, long-term low-level microwaves were responsible for those illnesses. Goldsmith, J. R., Radio frequency Epidemiology Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 105, at 1585, Supp 6, Table 8, Dec (1997). Dr. Goldsmith held 11 Professorships and was the World Health Organization (WHO) representative for Europe. Interestingly, the power of the microwaves used by the Russians in some cases was less that the power used by modern-day transmitters
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