Medicine10 Videos

Rockefeller Medicine

As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as […]

The Evils Of Psychiatry: Truth About Bipolar,Depression, Abuse, DSM, & My Testimony

The Evils Of Psychiatry: Truth About Bipolar,Depression, Abuse, DSM, & My Testimony

What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

What Is Naturopathic Medicine? What exactly is Naturopathic Medicine? Is it Quackery or is there something raw and powerful about it that separates it from traditional conventional medicine. It goes without saying, this video was NOT made to bash medical doctors or discredit their work. It was made simply to smash some misconceptions about what […]

What Are The 6 Keys of Naturopathic Medicine?

What Are The 6 Keys of Naturopathic Medicine? Hey guys, welcome back to Naturopathic Medicine For Life. Where we help bring awareness to the scientific practice of naturopathy. You know, one of the first things people ask me about my program, is what makes it different than medical school? And why are NDs necessary in […]

The Cure for 97% of Diseases

The Cure for 97% of Diseases Give this guy a little bit of a break, this video is at least 6 years old. Although he is coming from the mainstream perspective of viruses and contagion; he demolishes the mainstream medical industry and the drugs they promote. He is advocating a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition […]

An Entire Generation of Women on Birth Control | The Game’s Afoot Episode 2

“an entire generation of women was prescribed birth control from the age of 14 for acne and irregular periods and now that same generation is dealing with PCOS, hormonal imbalances, depression, and infertility” This tweet went viral, and in this podcast episode, we’re going to discuss women’s personal stories with birth control, doctors’ responses to […]

Herbalist Talks About Cancer (Part 1 of 2)

Herbalist Talks About Cancer (Part 1 of 2) Herbalist talks about the cancer epidemic

HIV And Cancer Come From Vaccines – Merck Vaccine Scientist

HIV And Cancer Come From Vaccines – Merck Vaccine Scientist

Meet Bill Gates

here can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates’ […]
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