Illuminati & Freemason The history of secret societies | New World Order | Who is behind the society

Illuminati & Freemason The history of secret societies | New World Order | Who is behind the society

Secret societies cannot be kept secret under the eyes and ears of the people who wants to know the truth about conspiracy theories regarding the illuminati as a secret society as supposed. Who are the founders and who is behind this secret society? What is the goal of this secret society in the modern day? A lot of questions surrounding this brotherhood and there are good and bad impressions among ordinary people. This video is to inform and raise awareness about this secret society. Definitely organizations has its own purpose and intentions as to what and how they can contribute in the prophecy foretold by the bible. Without these secret societies, the fulfillment of the prophecy would not hasten as we know secret societies operates secretly in favor of the enemies aim in conquering the world.

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