UFOs4 Videos

They’re Hiding The Truth About UFO’s and Aliens

They’re Hiding The Truth About UFO’s and Aliens Interview with Gary Stearman putting UFOs in a Biblical context.

Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice Documentary

Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice Documentary There is a huge secret hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. Military whistleblowers report large alien structures under two miles of Antarctic ice. Navy Seal Spartan 1 walked an alien hallway inscribed with mysterious hieroglyphs and tells investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe that Antarctica’s alien presence spans centuries, […]

The Ultimate Guide to UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs)

The Ultimate Guide to UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) The U.S. Government just released a report stating that UAPs (UFOs) are real physical objects that have been tracked for almost 20 years, using the most advanced military equipment. But if they are real, what are they? And who is flying them? Every question you […]


This film explores the connection between Ancient Secret Societies and Extraterrestrial Influences Engaging the Planet earth. Does “the great work of the ages” pursued by contemporary secret societies involve a covert plan to fully restore an ancient lost culture that flourished on this planet long before recorded history? Could it be that there is nothing […]
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