World Politics7 Videos

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP Trump’s Jewish Elite MAFIA & The 5 Dancing Israelis

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP Trump’s Jewish Elite MAFIA & The 5 Dancing Israelis   Truth Media

Edward Dowd (Former Blackrock Executive) “we are at the end days”

“Under the cover of Covid they were able to print 65% more money to keep this thing afloat, but we’re at the end days here.”

G. Edward Griffin on the United Nations.

G. Edward Griffin on the United Nations. There have been two attempts to create a centre of Global Governance / Global Government: the first, the forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations. During the First World War several world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson and Jan Smuts, began urging the establishment of […]

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World by Niall Ferguson Epsd. 6

Niall Ferguson follows the money to tell the human story behind the evolution of finance, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls Planet Finance. Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot, lucre, moolah, readies, the wherewithal: Call it what you like, it matters. To Christians, love of it is the […]

Putin’s Commitment to Jewish Controlled Power and Holocaust Push

Putin’s Commitment to Jewish Controlled Power and Holocaust Push   putin pushing lies

Inside World War II (Official His’story)

They also feel less stress, are more fun to be around this beautiful wordpress theme are more optimistic, and enjoy their lives more than people who are unhappy.
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