Religion34 Videos

King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 1

E511 Ministries – King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 1 Part 1 of a study on King Jehu as a biblical prototype of the false light, “Great Awakening” movement. Jehu may have taken down Jezebel and Baal, but he promoted another kind of idolatry, an idolatry that […]

“We killed Jesus, we’re proud of it!” shout Israeli settlers trespassing on Palestinian property

“We killed Jesus, we’re proud of it!” shout Israeli settlers trespassing on Palestinian property

Nephilim Proofs: Skulls and Bones

Nephilim Proofs: Skulls and Bones Originally Streamed Live on Jan 16, 2021 Midnight Ride w/ David Carrico and Jon Pounders The worldwide phenomenon of elongated skulls and the worship of the hosts of heaven is explored in the Light of Holy Scripture.

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

Lucifer Explained: The Origin and Meaning Behind this Fallen Angel

Lucifer Explained: The Origin and Meaning Behind this Fallen Angel Where does Lucifer, the fallen angel, REALLY come from? Aside from Paradise Lost by John Milton, or Fox’s TV series of the same name, the Bible is the best bet. Or so you’d think. This video explains the origins of this fallen angel. “Lucifer” is […]

Who Wrote (Edited) the Bible? – ROBERT SEPEHR

Most Biblical scholars will claim that Moses was the first person to write portions of Scripture while John, the disciple of Jesus, was the last. That said, the King James Bible of 1611 remains the most popular translation in history, emerging at a high point in the English Renaissance, compiled by six groups, comprised of […]

How Science Proves the Existence of God

How Science Proves the Existence of God  

Some 20/20 Vision, on the One-World Religion… (Gnosticism, Scientism & Socio-political Utopianism)

Some 20/20 Vision, on the One-World Religion… (Gnosticism, Scientism & Socio-political Utopianism)  

The Jewish Utopia

The Jewish Utopia Readings from the Introduction to The Jewish Utopia (1932).

Where Did the Mecca Black Stone Come From? (Explanation from Jewish Man)

In this short video Avi Lipkin a Jewish man explains about Jewish praying tradition and history of how Moses led his follower from Pharoah slavery from Egypt across the red sea towards Arabia land. Hag in Hebrew means a holiday or going around in circle. Jethro (Moses Father In-Law) the high priest of Midian is […]
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