The Vatican under the pope has connections to the secret societies like Freemason/Mason, Illuminati and others. It is either they themselves created these secret societies or they are behind these powerful organizations. The Vatican wants to lead in the New World Order and these secret societies are their allies in pushing the One World One Government through the new world order. Guys prepare yourselves for this heck of a ride and stand for the truth in favor God. During the last days there will be a battle between principalities, so which side are you? In the side of the devil or in the side of God, there is no in between. As early as now, we need stand and fight against the evil forces of this world masked with a lamb like character. If we don’t unmask these evil forces, we end up blinded by the truth which the evil seems to act like God but the ultimate intention is conquer the world by force which is contrary to God- freedom of choice. Watch this video and see the sad and bad realities of the world.