Ukraine got PEPFAR Money – What did they use it for?

Is the Corona Virus ‘Pandemic’ connected to Impeachment? These Ukraine connections suggest it might be .. is the Swamp capable of this level of deception & evil?

Beware the Contact Tracers

The Public Health mafia (including the Clintons) are speaking in military language about an “army” of “front line” “agents” to question the associations & whereabouts of anyone who tested positive for the stupid v-i-r-u-s. I have lots to say.

Mind Blowing Epstein Related Facts You Haven’t Heard – Tech, Maxwell, NASA & more

Strap in – I talk about IN-Q-Tel, who the Maxwell sisters married & their mega-huge impact on culture. I go in to Aaron Swartz, MIT Media Labs, the Santa Fe Institue,, and the whole NASA / Jet Propulsion Labs Jack Parsons story with a mind-blower of an update on that! Also – did you […]

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

BOOM revelations get bigger as we go along. Stay with me! Fauci, Event201, Foundations …and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia. To send me a financial ‘tip’ to show appreciation you can either use paypal here: OR you can go to my […]

Epstein Stories You Won’t Find in the News

CORRECTIONS: There were not 2 fires. AND – that photo shows a different plane. The tail number that appears to be shared with the US State department is N474AW I go over some of the lesser known connections & history of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. I’m hoping that there are more arrests to […]

You Are Being Groomed

Big Tech is predatory. Right now – through SMARTphones and Apps they are softening you (and your kids) up for a lifetime of exploitation. It is essential that you #DitchYourSmartphone.
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