Jonestown Exposed – The CIA and Mind Control

The mass murder of 918 members of the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known by its informal name “Jonestown”, on November 18, 1978 have spurred numerous conspiracy theories. These include the alleged involvement of outside forces in the deaths, including the Central Intelligence Agency and the Soviet Union. These theories often include the assertion that […]

MK Ultra 2020 Remote Mind Control Through Amazon CIA Cloud Computing Electronic Brain Link

MK Ultra 2020 Remote Mind Control Through Amazon CIA Cloud Computing Electronic Brain Link

How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)

How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996) Facing increasing public scrutiny from the fallout after Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series, the CIA conducted its own internal investigations.

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Sixty years ago, a panel of some of the time’s most lauded scientists were having a discussion one day… and now a lot of what they talked about is no longer science fiction.

CIA’s secret brainwashing experiment: Former patients sue U.S. government (1984)

CIA’s secret brainwashing experiment: Former patients sue U.S. government (1984) Former patients who were subjected to CIA and Canadian government-funded brainwashing experiments at Montreal’s Allan Memorial Institute launched lawsuits against the U.S. government. They claimed their lives were disrupted forever as a result of the experiments.

What is a False Flag Operation? – Operation Northwoods

What is a False Flag Operation? Operation Northwoods ( was a proposed military operation against American citizens in 1962. The proposals called for the CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan Speaks to CFR on Chemtrails

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan Speaks to CFR on Chemtrails  

Joe Rogan The Drug-Addled CIA Shill w/RichieFromBoston, Matthew North, Carter Edison & RvTruth

JOE ROGAN THE DRUG-ADDLED CIA SHILL w/RichieFromBoston, Matthew North, Carter Edison & RvTruth Undeniable evidence Joe Rogan works for Cia Rockafeller Pentagon George S0r0s Peter th1el El0n musk Esalen MAPS Disinformation company 23andme 2. Joe Rogan pushes drugs on kids And Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo are IN on it

JFK Assassination Conspiracy Documentary | Best Evidence New 2016

A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. You must see it to believe that former president George Herbert Walker Bush was connected to the assassination of JFK. Once you see this documentary though there […]

Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True

We all know the old trope of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who believes crazy things like “the government is spying on us” and “the military is spraying things in the sky” and “the CIA ships in the drugs.” Except those things aren’t so crazy after all. Here are five examples of things that […]

Mission Mind Control (1979) MK Ultra CIA LSD Experiments

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