CRISPR, AI & Brain-Machine Interface: The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Peter Diamandis Emerging technologies have unprecedented potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Among the most powerful — and controversial — is the gene-editing tech, CRISPR-Cas9, which will improve agricultural yields, cure genetic disorders, and eradicate infectious diseases like malaria. […]
GENE WARS #2 – ‘Genetic Manipulation’ In Gene Wars part 2 we take a look at an Open Mind episode from 1983 called ‘Genetic manipulation’. The interview is with the late Dr Lewis Thomas(Rockefeller Lapdog). We have Gene editing news plus more.
The development of this video was funded under NIE Incentivsing ICT Use Innovation Grant (I3G 02/16 CZ). What does it take to invent the next iPhone? Or find the next penicillin? Does it take a genius like Steve Jobs or Alexander Fleming, who in their garage or isolated laboratory, had an eureka moment and magically […]
(15 Nov 2018) The altering of food and animals by adding and subtracting genetic traits in a lab sounds like science fiction. Different than GMO’s, gene-edited food could be the wave of the future. (Nov. 15)