Checkmate to Humanity 2012 – Warning to the world – NEW WORLD ORDER steps This short video from 2012 prophesies all the social upheavals we are experiencing right now, disguised as COVID Rocky Horror Show. We are in the second phase of the checkmate strategic movement against Humanity. The script was written more than ten […]
Globalized, Centralized, Compacted: They Cull the Population to Make Us Rely on Government With each step forward, the powers-that-be are controlling us more and more, reducing the population and forcing people to rely upon a centralized, collective government.
G. Edward Griffin on the United Nations. There have been two attempts to create a centre of Global Governance / Global Government: the first, the forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations. During the First World War several world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson and Jan Smuts, began urging the establishment of […]
Rockefellers V The People – David Rockefeller art 1 of Rockefellers v The people. Today we have a look at ‘David’ or “The Incredible Rocky”, his friends, quotes and of course we hear from the man himself. Did you know that the Twin towers were once named after David and his brother…?
The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations recorded by Myron Fagan, likely in 1967. These liner notes were written while Mr. Fagan was still alive. The parenthetical notes were apparently added by another person after Mr. Fagan had died and a transcript of the recordings had been committed to paper. The url from which I […]
MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? Documentary by Tim Gielen This documentary reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments… That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying […]