Dr. Barrie Trower Expert On the Dangers Of Wifi, Microwaves, Cell Towers etc.

Dr.Barrie Trower Expert On the Dangers Of Wifi, Microwaves, Cell Towers etc. Dr.Barrie Trower A British Physicist/Scientist Who Is a Microwave Weapons Expert Explains How We Are Being Cooked With Radiation from RF, WiFi , Microwaves etc. During the Cold War, the Russian Embassy microwaved the United States Embassy in Moscow with low-level microwaves for […]

Glowing Green Smoothie – The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder

Glowing Green Smoothie – The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder The secret to The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder is eating whole nutrient-rich food that help make you more beautiful.

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business | A documentary by Eric Merola

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business | A documentary by Eric Merola

The Cure for 97% of Diseases

The Cure for 97% of Diseases Give this guy a little bit of a break, this video is at least 6 years old. Although he is coming from the mainstream perspective of viruses and contagion; he demolishes the mainstream medical industry and the drugs they promote. He is advocating a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition […]

Qi Gong: 7 Minutes of Magic (for Health)

Qi Gong: 7 Minutes of Magic (for Health) This breakthrough routine from Lee Holden blends the best of qi gong and yoga in a highly effective mix that delivers results, fast. With his signature down-to-earth instructions, Lee guides you through several variations that will energize you in the morning, recharge you during the day and […]

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures – by Massimo Mazzucco

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures – by Massimo Mazzucco This is the single best documentary I have yet seen on cancer. It clearly depicts how mainstream medicine and fraudulent legal regulations have seen to it that the only accepted methods of treating cancer remain chemo, radiation and surgery. They do a good job of documenting how […]

GMO: 10 Foods you didn’t know were Genetically Modified Organisms!

GMO: 10 Foods you didn’t know were Genetically Modified Organisms! Now, you most likely keep an eye on sugar contents and other unhealthy ingredients that you need to eat in moderation, but how many of you watch out for genetically modified foods? Most probably not many of you! For most this won’t be an issue, […]
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