German Journalist Blows Whistle On How the CIA Controls The Media

German Journalist Blows Whistle On How the CIA Controls The Media In an amazing pattern developing very recently of celebrities and mainstream figures coming out with the truth, extremely popular German journalist Udo Ulfkotte admitted that the corporate media of the West completely bows down to the wealthy, to corporate interests, and to the lies […]

MK Ultra 2020 Remote Mind Control Through Amazon CIA Cloud Computing Electronic Brain Link

MK Ultra 2020 Remote Mind Control Through Amazon CIA Cloud Computing Electronic Brain Link

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Sixty years ago, a panel of some of the time’s most lauded scientists were having a discussion one day… and now a lot of what they talked about is no longer science fiction.

CIA’s secret brainwashing experiment: Former patients sue U.S. government (1984)

CIA’s secret brainwashing experiment: Former patients sue U.S. government (1984) Former patients who were subjected to CIA and Canadian government-funded brainwashing experiments at Montreal’s Allan Memorial Institute launched lawsuits against the U.S. government. They claimed their lives were disrupted forever as a result of the experiments.

Voice Of God & Transhumanism Mind Hacking A.I. Technology – Harvard Talk By Dr. Robert Duncan

Voice Of God & Transhumanism Mind Hacking A.I. Technology – Harvard Talk By Dr. Robert Duncan GREAT presentation (and scary) by Dr Robert Duncan regarding the Social Revolution and transhumanism rapidly coming to existence. This is from years ago. He calls it a Casmaclysmic evolutionary event (transition) of mankind. Robert Duncan O’Finioan is an author […]

Mission Mind Control (1979) MK Ultra CIA LSD Experiments

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