Was Three Mile Island a movie script? – Galen Winsor

Galen Winsor makes a startling statement; he claims that the Three Mile Island event was no accident. He states that the GE three of Gregory C. Minor, Richard B. Hubbard, and Dale G. Bridenbaugh wrote the script. This would sound incredibly far fetched without the almost impossibly coincidental timing of “The China Syndrome” still playing […]

Camp Century – Nuclear powered city under the ice

Camp Century was an Army research station located under the ice in Greenland. It was powered initially by diesel generators, but the long term plan was nuclear power due to the challenge of delivering fuel across the ice. On January 23, 1959, the US Army signed a contract with ALCO (American Locomotive Company) to design […]

Sodium Reactor Experiment

1958 Atomic Energy Commission documentary of the building of the Sodium Reactor Experiment in southern California

Galen Winsor – What stopped plutonium economy?

Galen Winsor – What stopped plutonium economy? Galen Winsor describes his hands-on experience with used nuclear fuel and radioactive materials. He explains how the rules associated with his profession changed during the period from 1947-1982.He also questions why those rules changed and who benefitted from the changes

Thorium: An energy solution – THORIUM REMIX 2011

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A library for truth seekers - RealDocumentaries.com