Abraham Maslow – Self Actualization (1966)

Abraham Maslow – Self Actualization (1966)  

Encountering Abraham Maslow

Encountering Abraham Maslow A short documentary about the life and influence of Abraham Maslow, the founder of humanistic psychology, narrated by Jessica Grogan, PhD. Grogan is the author of Encountering America: Humanistic Psychology, Sixties Culture, and the Shaping of the Modern Self (Harper Perennial 2013).

2009 Jim Rohn Last Speech / 最後一場演說

2009 Jim Rohn Last Speech / 最後一場演說 Jim Rohn prepares us to be more valuable tomorrow than we are today. You have the power to make others see you as an influential leader. Rely on yourself and take Jim’s words of wisdom to build you a better life and in business.

Jim Rohn: Life and Lessons is Like the Seasons

Jim Rohn: Life and Lessons is Like the Seasons International Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn inspires us all with his brilliant insight on learning how to handle the seasons of life. Every life has a cycle and you have the ability to get through the winter and emerge better, strong and wiser to conquer the opportunity […]

Diseases of Attitude – Jim Rohn

Diseases of Attitude – Jim Rohn Jim Rohn gave a great seminar titled “7 Attitude Diseases That Can Cost You Your Future.” These are the negative attitudes that are holding you back from success. You need to learn how to handle these negative attitudes so you can stop them from holding you back. FAIR-USE COPYRIGHT […]

Brian Tracy FULL INTERVIEW Self Discipline and the Psychology of Achievement

Brian Tracy FULL INTERVIEW with A.T. Anthony Gell Anthony Gell, Author, The Book of Leadership conducts a full interview with the legendary Brian Tracy. Brian is THE (sorry to shout) world leader in the psychology of achievement, and one of the most

Brian Tracy Personal Time Management

Brian Tracy Personal Time Management Learn from the best! Brian Tracy has spent decades studying successful people. Learn how to succeed.

Philosophy – A Guide to Happiness: Socrates on Self-Confidence

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