Conversation with B. F. Skinner (1972) B.F. Skinner discusses with Elizabeth Hall the meanings and implications of his work. Illuminates the origins of behaviorism and some of its basic principles. Explores the notion of control, its use and potential misuse, punishment and freedom. Covers his principles of operant conditioning with respect to the science of […]
C.G. Jung Concepts: The Ego, The Shadow, The Anima/Animus D. Stephenson Bond is a practicing Jungian analyst who has lectured widely on the topics of myth and creativity. He graduated with an M.Div. from Vanderbilt in 1981 and from the C. G. Jung Institute, Boston, in 1997, where he teaches. A native West Virginian, he […]
Id, Ego, Superego | Conscious, Subconscious & Unconscious Mind In this video, we have discussed the three states of mind these are Conscious, Sub-conscious and Unconscious and after that, we have discussed the three aspects of Personality given by Sigmund Freud in his theory i.e Psychosexual Development. These types are Id, Ego, Superego in Hindi […]
In this video we investigate Nietzsche’s views on morality by contrasting the higher man and the herd. We investigate how a herd morality develops, and the threat it poses to the existence of great individuals (higher human beings). We conclude by examining the existence of herd morality in the modern world.
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