Why Amen is said after prayers [ Nubian Origins of Amen (Ra) ]

Why Amen is said after prayers [ Nubian Origins of Amen (Ra) ] Do christians really know why they say Amen after every prayer. The Kemetic (Egyptian) origin of of the word Amen. Even though its narrated by a pale man its has unrefutible truths. Jesus the son of God = Horus (Heru [Ra]) the […]

Jordan Maxwell: 14 Mindblowing Minutes on Religion

Jordan Maxwell: 14 Mindblowing Minutes on Religion Jordan explains the origins of religion, the roots of language, symbols, and lore of the Ancient World

The REAL Truth About Religion And Its Origins

The REAL Truth About Religion And Its Origins The hidden truth about all religions that they do not want you to know is revealed in this award winning documentary video. Please watch, discover and become awake to the lies that you have been told, learn and share the truth with others.

The Upanishads – Ancient Sanskrit texts – Philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism

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Bhagavad Gita Full Version Beautifully Recited in English

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The Buddha

They also feel less stress, are more fun to be around this beautiful wordpress theme are more optimistic, and enjoy their lives more than people who are unhappy.
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