King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 1

E511 Ministries – King Jehu’s War Against Baal: A Biblical Prototype of the Great Awakening | Part 1 Part 1 of a study on King Jehu as a biblical prototype of the false light, “Great Awakening” movement. Jehu may have taken down Jezebel and Baal, but he promoted another kind of idolatry, an idolatry that […]

Artemis, Queen of Broken Arrows…

Artemis, Queen of Broken Arrows… the Truth is stranger than fiction

The RFID CHIP is just the stepping stone to the Mark of the Beast!

The RFID CHIP is just the stepping stone to the Mark of the Beast! 2 Chronicles 9:13 is a clue from God to show us! 666 pieces = Gold(…transhumani­sm..Iron to build the temple of God… Satan is building the third temple with METAL/ Human Mix..Iron and clay don’t cleave. mankind is the temple of God..Satan […]

Dualism Addendum

Dualism Addendum – This is a follow up to my popular video ‘Dualism: The Illuminati Religion’. In this one we’ll look at some additional examples from popular movies and other content that again demonstrate the dualistic influence of Gnosticism in pop-culture. Some of the content we’ll look at will include: Blade, Dark Crystal, Harry Potter, […]

Graphene: Rise of the Watchers – NYSTV

In Conspiracy Corner we take a hard look at popular conspiracy theories that will blow your mind and we will see how they line up with Biblical passages. In this third episode we will explore the graphene oxide conspiracy. Join David Carrico and Jon Pounders as we uncover long hidden mysteries for this generation.

Nephilim Proofs: Skulls and Bones

Nephilim Proofs: Skulls and Bones Originally Streamed Live on Jan 16, 2021 Midnight Ride w/ David Carrico and Jon Pounders The worldwide phenomenon of elongated skulls and the worship of the hosts of heaven is explored in the Light of Holy Scripture.

Babylon: Past, Present, and Future | Full Movie | Plain Truth Ministries

Babylon: Past, Present, and Future | Full Movie | Plain Truth Ministries Watch Babylon: Past, Present, and Future Full Movie on Vision Video Bible history and prophecy depict Babylon as a social, economic and religious power. The Bible portrays Babylon as a woman riding a seven-headed, 10-horned beast described as “Mystery, Babylon the great, the […]

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

The Fate of the Nephilim (Book of Enoch Explained) [Chapters 15-16]

The Fate of the Nephilim (Book of Enoch Explained) [Chapters 15-16] The bigger they are, the harder they…. turn into spirits and haunt people =/

Real Life X-Files: Worldwide Pandemic- Human Animal Hybrids- Mass Formation Psychosis

Real Life X-Files: Worldwide Pandemic- Human Animal Hybrids- Mass Formation Psychosis Join us tonight on the Midnight Ride (Live Every Saturday Night: 11 EST, 10 CST, 9 MST, 8 PST) In the last 2 years we have experienced an explosion in “real life x files’ that leads many of us to believe that something huge […]

Scientism & the “Great Invocation”: Blavatsky’s No-Longer-Secret Doctrine of Quantum Mysticism

Scientism & the “Great Invocation”: Blavatsky’s No-Longer-Secret Doctrine of Quantum Mysticism  

Unlocking the Old Testament Part 1 – Overview of the Old Testament

Unlocking the Old Testament Part 1 – Overview of the Old Testament An introduction to the series “Unlocking the Old Testament” The Old Testament is actually a library of 39 books written over a period of 1000 years with most of it covering 2000 years of history before Christ. David Pawson shows how they fit […]
A library for truth seekers -