Exposing the Global “Revelation” Agenda

Exposing the Global “Revelation” Agenda Illuminati Think Thanks: https://gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2020/04/25/names-of-illuminati-think-tanks-expose-the-agenda/ My 2018 Prediction: https://gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2018/02/01/20-20-tv-series-33-parade-revelation-riddle/ 1331 and the Eclipse code: https://gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2018/02/01/20-20-tv-series-33-parade-revelation-riddle/ Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft: https://gematrinator.com/blog/index.php/2020/04/21/bill-gates-and-paul-allen/

February 23, 1954, the day vaccine hero Jonas Salk unleashed the polio vaccine on Arsenal Elementary

February 23, 1954, the day vaccine hero Jonas Salk unleashed the polio vaccine on Arsenal Elementary 3,463 views Feb 23, 2022 Support the work (thank you!): https://patreon.com/zacharykhubbard Buy my e-Books: https://gematriaeffect.news/e-books/ Download my e-Books for free: https://www.subscribestar.com/zachary… Buy physical copy of Number Games: https://www.amazon.com/Number-Games-9… Join the community!: https://freetofindtruth.com Contact Rich: poundingpavement2022@gmail.com

Medical Martial Law

FROM 2009: Top scientists are saying that the current swine flu outbreak came from a vaccine lab, but you won’t hear that in the controlled corporate media. Nor will you hear about Bilderberg plans to use the pandemic hysteria to flex the muscles of their nascent global government. But you will hear all about it […]

V for Vaccination = T for Transhumanism

V for Vaccination = T for Transhumanism Group called J Soul Brothers standing on 3D cubes. Cube, Saturn (https://www.casperstith.com/the-satansaturn-connection.html), CERN (https://www.rt.com/op-ed/313922-cern-collider-hadron-higgs/), satan worship symbolism. Once fully opened the airways spread. Observe the beast out the pit symbolism. 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month […]

The Depopulation Agenda – The Plan to Reduce the Population by Over 90%

The Depopulation Agenda – The Plan to Reduce the Population by Over 90% The Depopulation Agenda – The Plan to Reduce the Population by Over 90% is a documentary that exposes how the global elites plan for world depopulation of over 90% is nearly at hand.

Mercury, Autism & The Global Vaccine Agenda : Dr David Ayoub M.D.

Mercury, Autism & The Global Vaccine Agenda : Dr David Ayoub M.D. Love & respect to David Ayoub for having the courage to speak the truth & risk ridicule & attack.

Proof that Vaccinations cause Miscarriages in third world countries

Proof that Vaccinations cause Miscarriages in third world countries Forced vaccinations of Akha women during pregnancy cause miscarriages. The reason is that people need to know that vaccinations are forced on the Akha, like Tetanus Toxoid, and that repeatedly after the vaccinations the women miscarried? The mothers are told that if they don’t accept the […]

GENE WARS #2 – ‘Genetic Manipulation’

GENE WARS #2 – ‘Genetic Manipulation’ In Gene Wars part 2 we take a look at an Open Mind episode from 1983 called ‘Genetic manipulation’. The interview is with the late Dr Lewis Thomas(Rockefeller Lapdog). We have Gene editing news plus more.

Where is Professor Joseph Moshe? Bioweapons in Ukraine Warning 2009

Where is Professor Joseph Moshe? Bioweapons in Ukraine Warning 2009

The Greater Good – Vaccine Documentary (2011)

The Greater Good – Vaccine Documentary (2011) The film looks behind the fear, hype and politics that polarize people into emotionally charged pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine camps with no room for middle ground. Verite stories of individuals and their families, whose lives have been forever changed by vaccine choices, interwoven with interviews from leading experts in […]
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