The Cure for 97% of Diseases

The Cure for 97% of Diseases

Give this guy a little bit of a break, this video is at least 6 years old. Although he is coming from the mainstream perspective of viruses and contagion; he demolishes the mainstream medical industry and the drugs they promote. He is advocating a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition as a solution to your medical problems.

To me, this guy is preaching Terrain Theory and toxemia.
He’s advocating proper nutrition and detoxing to correct health. He gets into vaccine damage, toxemia, stress, anxiety, and detoxing.

Listen to this lecture knowing what we know now and it will make perfect sense.

It may sound like an incredibly bold statement, however, Dr. Bergman D.C. will discuss exactly how 97% of diseases can be prevented and cured. The belief system of the medical allopathic model of healthcare is beginning to shift to a vitalistic approach to healing that supports the body’s natural systems. It’s time to change the world and it begins now.
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