The Globalists’ Agenda – New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 – 2009) Part 1

The Globalists’ Agenda – New World Order Quotes from Politicians (1950 – 2009) Part 1

A historical overview of globalists’ and politicians quotes referring to ‘A New World Order’ or ‘ Global Governance’ Listen to them and read their own words as they gradually unveil to the world the plan for a new world order. A historical complete overview of quotes from politicians referring to a New World Order (NWO) or Global Governance. Dating back from 1950 to december 2009 this overview contains quotes from George Bush sr., Nixon, Al Gore, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Sarkozy, Henry Kissinger, Jose Barroso, Stephen Harper, David de Rothschild, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Warburg, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and many more.
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