The York Rite Of Freemasonry

The York Rite Of Freemasonry

Degrees and Bodies explained by Thomas W. Jackson, R.W.P.G.S. of The Grand Holy Royal Arch of Pennsylvania. Written and produced by Peter F. Gross An informative introduction to the journey towards more light through the bodies of Arch, Cryptic and KT. Described as the York Rite, outside of North America these three bodies are often treated simply as side orders that a Mark Mason can join rather than the ‘stellar procession’ described here. The poster of this video would like to point out that Aleister Crowley never actually ascended to the position within Freemasonry that he declared he had. For a fascinating insight into his relationship with Freemasonry, I refer you to the link at the end of this paragraph for an excellent and well researched article by Bro. Martin P. Starr of The Grand Lodge Of British Columbia and Yukon:…

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