What Are The 6 Keys of Naturopathic Medicine?

What Are The 6 Keys of Naturopathic Medicine?

Hey guys, welcome back to Naturopathic Medicine For Life. Where we help bring awareness to the scientific practice of naturopathy.
You know, one of the first things people ask me about my program, is what makes it different than medical school? And why are NDs necessary in the world of modern medicine.
These are all perfectly valid questions, but I think they can be best summed up using the 6 keys that make Naturopathic Medicine unique. These keys or principles—-whatever you want to call it—are the first thing we get taught in graduate school, and many NDs have made it their Magna Carta. Meaning it helps guide all our actions when treating our patients. So what exactly are these 6 principles? Watch the video now to find out
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